
以诚信为基础,以创造力为动力, 新萄京娱乐 is the largest 和 most established union 和 industry advocate for Australia’s creative professionals.

新萄京娱乐着眼于未来,是思想领袖和变革的推动者. 一个强有力的和热情的倡导者,为其成员, 新萄京娱乐还代表他们联系并创造新的机会.

新萄京娱乐 is evolving to meet the changing needs of the creative professionals of Australia, it won’t stop until it provides the best 和 most relevant services possible.

新萄京娱乐于1992年5月18日注册为媒体,娱乐 & 艺术联盟,由三个机构合并而成 澳大利亚记者协会,澳大利亚演员权益和澳大利亚戏剧 & 娱乐雇员协会. The history of these unions goes back to the early days of the twentieth century, 目前的mea结构反映了这些起源. In 2006, a fourth section was created with the incorporation of the Symphony Orchestra 音乐家 Association (SOMA).

我们的成员包括在电视、广播、剧院工作的人 & 电影, 娱乐场所, 娱乐场地, 记者, 演员, 舞者, 爱运动的人, 漫画家, 摄影师, orchestral 和 opera performers as well as people working in public relations, 广告, book publishing 和 website production… in fact everyone who works in the industries that inform or entertain.


新萄京娱乐在国际上隶属于 国际新闻工作者联合会 (IFJ); the 国际演员联合会 (FIA); the 国际音乐家联合会 (FIM); the global union representing workers in the media, 娱乐, arts 和 体育 sectors (UNI-MEI); the 国际言论自由交流 (IFEX)和 国际新闻安全学会 (INSI).

在澳大利亚,新萄京娱乐是 澳大利亚新闻委员会澳大利亚版权委员会以及澳大利亚媒体行业游说团体“知情权”(Right To Know).

新萄京娱乐 (新萄京娱乐媒体部分除外)隶属于 澳大利亚工会理事会 (ACTU)和 新西兰工会理事会 (NZCTU).

新萄京娱乐(除了昆士兰的新萄京娱乐媒体部分), 南澳大利亚, Western Australia 和 Victoria) is affiliated with all state 和 territory Labour Councils.

新萄京娱乐 (except the 新萄京娱乐 媒体 section 和 the 新萄京娱乐 SOMA section) is affiliated with the Australian Labor Party (ALP) in New South Wales.

新萄京娱乐也是 美国海外援助协会.

几十年来,新萄京娱乐一直是艺术工作者的工会, 娱乐, 体育, 户外, music 和 events industries – those behind the scenes 和 on centre stage. We look after the interests of a huge variety of members; screen technicians, 职业篮球运动员, 服装设计师, 化妆师, 声音工程师, 招待员, 场地活动人员, 广播技术人员, 动画师, 现场表演团队,仅举几例. As the largest 和 most established union 和 industry advocate for creative professionals, 我们在重大问题上成功地进行了竞选, 为我们的会员争取工作权利, 工作场所健康与安全, 保护工资和工作条件.



珍妮病房自从新萄京官方很多, 许多年前, I’ve been actively involved with the NSW Branch Council 和 the various screen technician committees 和 seen all the amazing work that goes on behind the scenes. I’m very proud to be a member when I’m so well represented 和 supported by the 新萄京娱乐 staff.” 珍妮·沃德是一名自由声音编辑.


“我相信联邦的理想,我父亲也是, 我祖父就是这样做的, 我的曾祖父也是. 作为个体,我们是弱小的,作为集体,我们是强大的.” 斯科特·史密斯是现场和剧院灯光技师的负责人.

“我很自豪能代表我的同事和朋友, I encourage all folks new 和 old to the industry to join the union. 这是我们发出声音的方式.” Sophie Parker is a theatre service technician at Sydney Opera House 和 freelance lighting designer.



“It’s great to see the union keeping pace with the changes to our industry. Membership is on the rise because technicians can see the need 和 benefits of representation in a changing work environment. 我鼓励每个人都参与进来,成为积极未来的一部分.” 亚瑟·斯平克是特效车间主管.


新萄京娱乐-股本-Logo-HeaderActors 股本 is the home of Australia’s 和 New Zeal和’s professional performers. For more than 75 years 股本 has been protecting 和 improving performers’ working conditions, 游说和竞选活动,以改善他们工作的行业, 举办行业活动, 授予优秀, 提供专业发展和保护就业机会 . As a 新萄京娱乐 股本 member you will be joining a long 和 proud history of professional performers coming together to better their careers 和 their industry. 你将有机会参加一系列优秀的大师班, workshops 和 other professional development opportunities run by the 股本 Foundation. 当表演者不是一种爱好. 这是一种职业.



Am和a_Bishop“我一毕业就加入了股本, I have enjoyed a decade of secure wages 和 work conditions for my acting work in ALL mediums. 他们甚至为我打了两次官司,而且赢了!” 阿曼达·毕晓普是一名演员、歌手和喜剧演员.


Amber Scott摄影:James brund “As a proud member since 2001 I am so grateful for the support 新萄京娱乐 has shown me. The benefits have ranged from cheap movie tickets to having free legal advice! It’s wonderful to feel a part of the greater performing arts community through this very cohesive alliance.” Amber Scott是澳大利亚芭蕾舞团的首席舞者.


Kat_Stewart_股本 “这是一个出了名的不安全的职业, 股本 empowers us to negotiate for fairer terms 和 protect our existing conditions. Membership is an investment in our collective future 和 is a great safeguard 和 resource for any member.” 凯特·斯图尔特是一名演员兼制片人.

eddie_perfect “股本 exists to preserve 和 fight for our rights in what is a very unique 和 constantly changing industry. 仅凭这一点,它就值得成为会员. 对我来说, Actor’s 股本 is about belonging to an organisation which takes an active interest in the direction of the arts in this country.” 埃迪Perfect是一位喜剧演员、讽刺作家、作曲家和演员.


Darko_Tuskan_股本 “I’m an 股本 member is because I believe in upholding 和 maintaining the conditions put in place by the members before me, 以及为该行业的未来创造更好的条件.” 达科·图斯坎是一名特技协调人, 安全监督员, 特技演员和公平的国家特技委员会主席.


珍珠棕印花 “股权是进入该行业的一扇敞开的大门. They take our immediate needs 和 concerns 和 action them on our behalf, 在某种程度上,我们作为个体永远无法实现.” Pearl Tan是珍珠制作公司的创始人, 他是演员,也是公平多元化委员会的前联合主席.


新萄京娱乐-媒体-Header 新萄京娱乐 媒体 is the union 和 industry advocate for Australia’s media professionals. 建立在 1910年12月10日 in Melbourne 和 originally known as the 澳大利亚记者协会 (AJA), 新萄京娱乐 媒体拥有悠久而自豪的历史:

  • 改善我们成员的工资和工作条件,
  • 为新闻自由和公众知情权而战,
  • 通过新萄京娱乐推广高质量的新闻 记者职业道德准则,
  • rewarding excellence 和 promoting professional development through the Walkley Foundation.

作为新萄京娱乐的媒体成员,你是一个充满活力的, active 和 independent professional association bringing the people who work in the media industry together under a single banner.



尼克·麦肯齐“我是会员,因为——现在, more than ever – 记者 need to back each other 和 use this unity to keep our craft strong 和 independent. 当我需要帮助时,工会一直在我身边.” 尼克·麦肯齐 is a multi-Walkley Award winner 和 investigative reporter for 的年龄《新萄京娱乐》 偶尔也会有记者 60分钟.


安东金星 “对我来说,团结意味着无论顺境还是逆境都要相互支持. 这意味着要清楚地说出我们作为一个行业的道德规范.” 安东金星, 拥有超过25年经验的广播记者, 从1999年开始担任SBS世界新闻节目的主持人.

理查德·格洛弗“我对新闻业的未来很乐观. 对我来说,这意味着帮助构建未来. 这意味着成为联盟的一部分.” 理查德·格洛弗是费尔法克斯专栏作家, ABC主持人,新南威尔士州记者慈善基金秘书.


葆拉·马修森“Being an 新萄京娱乐 member strengthens my br和 as a freelancer: by agreeing to abide by the 新萄京娱乐’s code of ethics I can demonstrate to publishers 和 readers that I’m committed to quality 和 honesty.” 葆拉·马修森是一名自由撰稿人.


新萄京娱乐音乐家 The 新萄京娱乐 musicians section represents Australia’s professional musicians. 这包括 SOMA (交响乐团音乐家协会) 澳大利亚的音乐家 (针对自由音乐家)和 生田斗真 (剧院乐团音乐家协会). 新萄京娱乐音乐家部门旨在保护和发展薪酬, 会员的条件及专业兴趣. 关于工作场所健康和安全的mea运动, 退休金, 建立可持续发展的工业, building industry-wide st和ards for minimum rates as well as promoting the cultural 和 economic significance of music 和 musicians in our culture.



塔尼亚·哈迪·史密斯“Being a member of 新萄京娱乐 means I’m connected to like-minded people who care about contributing to a fair 和 effective work environment.” 塔尼亚·哈迪·史密斯是维多利亚管弦乐团的成员.


卡梅伦的小溪 “作为新萄京娱乐的会员,我们在改善工作场所方面都有发言权, 并在需要时获得优秀的专业和法律建议.” 卡梅伦的小溪 is a member of the West Australian Symphony Orchestra 和 Federal President of the 新萄京娱乐音乐家 Section.

